Sukaya Wellness Programs – An Integrated Approach
Our integrated approach blends yoga including asanas(postures), Pranayam(breathing techniques), meditation, ayurvedic therapies and diet.
We make tailored plans for individuals under close supervision of qualified ayurvedic Doctors, therapists, Yoga Guru and Dietician.
Panchakarma is ayurveda’s ultimate purification and detoxification treatment that creates ease and harmony from within, strengthens the immune system, and restore balance and wellbeing. By reversing the degenerative process, Panchakarma improves overall wellness and youthfulness.
Relaxation and Rejuvination
The combination of our ayurvedic therapies and yogic practices makes you feel completely relaxed and rejuvenated because our program helps to restore & replace worn out tissues, improve blood circulation, stop premature ageing and to rid the system of toxins. This program is highly recommended to keep our body healthy.

Stress Management
Experts suggest that ninety percent of all ailments are caused by stress and perhaps nothing ages us faster internally and externally, then high stress.
One of the major causes of ailments is stress & strain on the body as well as the mind we have special program with a combination of various ayurvedic therapies, yoga & meditation.
Yoga a mind-body practice, it enhances our mood by lowering levels of stress & anxiety.
Yoga has natural antidepressant effect. By incorporating right yoga practices in our daily life we can decrease production of cortisol - a stress hormone.
Specialized ayurvedic therapy like Sirodhara relaxes the nervous system. When sirodhara is taken regularly it increases blood circulation to the brain, improves memory and nourishes the hair & scalp. It is the best therapy to release stress & strain.
Weight management
A unique health program with detox thearapies, herbal oils massages, yoga and meditation boosts our metabolism, improves digestion, stimulates movements and thus contributes to fat burning (rid your body of cellulite and excessive fat). Our program is designed to lose weight up to 750 grams in a day.

Diabetic management
Diabetic management
Our program is useful in management of diabetes. It is based on controlled diet, kriyas, pranayam and specific Yogasans. All these are for activation of pancreas and rejuvenation of beta cells in the pancreas, increases production of the insulin.
In yogic management of diabetes focus is on the asanas & pranayamas that affect majorly abdominal area in the following manner:
Creates negative pressure in the abdominal area
Sympathetic nervous system gets activated
Increase in blood flow in the abdominal area
Thus Increases oxygen supply
This improves function of organ
Healthy way of lifestyle for lifetime (sukaya signature programe)
Sukaya Wellness- HWLL signature program looks at a person’s health in a holistic way – mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. We work towards reviving the natural healing potential of the body, improving mind, body, soul connection and restoring balance in the body for proper flow of energy.
This program is scientifically designed and customised for each guest as per his medical and physical conditions. The program consists of Yoga, Pranayam, Diety plan, meditation, dincharya(daily routine) and ritucharya(seasonal regime) An individual can follow this program for lifetime to be healthy and happy.
Wellness Program: Step by Step
Doctor Consultation tests if required conducted in house Appropriate yogic practices and ayurvedic therapies recommended by doctor non toxic & pure herbal oils used (our products) Special diet plan suggested (as required) by dietician in consultation with doctors Recriation activities walks, swimming, book reading, vedic cuisine cooking classes, cultural program& sightseeing, group activities.
Our dietician advice appropriate diet plan that can be easily followed in daily life.
If booking for some time and just want to relax and pamper yourself and savour vedic cuisine experiences the best rejuvenating therapies.